What is Air Quality?
Air quality is defined as 'the state of the air around us.' Good air quality refers to clean, clear, unpolluted air. Clean air is essential to maintaining the delicate balance of life on this planet, for humans,wildlife, vegetation, water and soil. Poor air quality results from a number of factors that are either natural or human-induced. Poor air quality occurs when pollutants reach high enough concentrations to endanger human health and/or the environment.
As we enter an increasingly industralised age, scientists are paying more attention towards the issue of air quality. To ensure a good future for our future generations, it is vital for us to examine air quality and raise awareness of it. |
The Website's Aim: To investigate Air Quality in China.
To aid our investigation, our research will be based on the questions: 1. How much has the conditions of air quality degraded over past decades in China? 2. What physical and human phenomena caused this degradation of air quality in China? 3. What are the implications of a degradation in air quality on the citizens of China? 4. What are solutions currently being employed in China to combat the worsening air quality and what solutions are utilized in other countries? 5. How effective are these solutions and are there suitable alternatives to these current solutions that should be employed by China? |